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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Computer science?? Information technology??

Most of us have been confused about computer science (CS) and information technology (IT). Many thought that computer science and information system are the same thing. Actually, there are two different things. Computer science is learning to program applications and the theory behind that. Information technology is learning to use technology in business. 

“Computer Science” is the mixture and application of “Applied Mathematics”, “Electrical Engineering”, and “Complexity Theory/Algorithms” to understand and/or model information. In otherwords, the “field of computation”.

“Information Technology” is the mixture and application of “Programming”, “Hardware Administration”, “Software Administration”, “Networking”, “Network Security” and “Technical Support”. In otherwords, the “management of computers”.

There's a lot thing that make computer science and information technology differ from each other. So, don't make assumption, ok? You have to know that the words itself have its own meaning. Therefore, we cannot assume anything without a proper search about these. We have to take a closer look and understand  what it is mean by CS and IT.

~Here is a link that some student talk about CS and IT. you may also learn that there's people who still confused about CS and IT. Follow this link:

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