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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Harvard Business School Case Study (HBS)..

This Harvard Business School case study is an article about Symbian, Google and Apple in the Mobile Space (A). As a computer science student we need to do presentation. So we did it!!hahaha...i'm so relieved that we already done it..buttttt...I still got a report about to do..So here is my report about HBS..

On 14th December 2011, at BK2(Bilik Kuliah 2),N28 at faculty of science computer. We started our presentation at 2.30 pm. Before we started, each group were given a question and thirty minutes to come up with the answer.We are combine with section 1 and section 2.Section 1 is bioinformatic student while Section 2 is database student.There are 10 questions present that day which are:

  1. Strategies taken by Symbian, Google, Apple in striving to lead the mobile industry.
  2. Lesson learned from Harvard Business School Case Study.
  3. New entry company such as Google & Apple become threat to Symbian company. How?
  4. Discuss the key players in mobile phones industries and how they influence each other.
  5. As the future IT professional, how this case study case change your view about your career?
  6. What innovations can be introduce in improving mobile phone industries in terms of community uses and work?
  7. Discuss the Symbian's situation based on Porter's 5 Forces model. What are your recommendation ?
  8. Analyse Symbian's situation using SWOT analysis technique. What is your opinion about company  situation?
  9. Discuss on key Symbian Executive (exhibit 3). What is your opinion about them? Give suggestions.
  10. Discuss on the mobile market share based on the statistics given. 
Here is my group members:
  • Fairuz Amalina
  • Afifah 
  • Fatin Razali
  • Shakila Shoki
  • Fatin Zulaikha
  • Nadia Samsudin 
  • Nurhidayah Salleh
~Our question~
What innovations can be introduce in improving mobile phone industries in term of communities user and work?
While looking for the answers we find that we learn more about mobile phones.Every member need to give an answers.Here are our group answers:
-New mobile phone invention of detecting voices.This innovation is for the blind people. With only using their voices, the mobile phones while do exactly as the owner want. For example, typing the message for the owner and send it according to owner request.Therefore, blind people can have easier access on using the phone.
-This innovation is for security. We suggest to use fingerprints or voice to lock the phone so that no one can access to your personal info from the phones.
-We also suggest to install Autocat application. This can help architect to do their work anywhere, anytime . It make works become easier and architect does not need to bring their laptop.
-Global Positioning System (GPS). Use GPS by using our voices because it is hard when you have to drive and need to search for the places you want at the same time.
-Charge mobile phone using solar energy.
-Use mobile phone as credit card. Does not requires wallet anymore.
-Make mobile phone as projector.

This is our group pictures when we were doing discussion before the presentation...

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